We love our work and we are proud of it. We love our home territory, where the most important Italian bicycle factories are located. This allows us to partner with the best local suppliers and to bring a great experience to the creation of our tricycles and ride-ons. This intense teamwork results in the ability to keep innovating our products in terms of technology, production, and design.
We believe that design is an extremely important tool for improving the quality of life, especially in the world of children. It must convey confidence, curiosity, and encourage movement.
It becomes a tool for developing children’s motor skills, encouraging the process of autonomy and independence, so as to make the experience of playing the best possible. It also provides them with a set of values that will help them build their future.
Sustainability for us means thinking about our future and that of our children. Therefore we pay great attention to minimising environmental impact: from innovative, eco-friendly materials to manufacturing processes. We also focus on the use of self-generated green energy, the reduction of packaging clutter and the use of only recycled "Bravo-box" cardboard. Another major commitment is the recycling of components in our cycles and the replacement of parts, so that nothing is ever wasted. In addition, we have launched Let's Grow the Future, a reforestation project that is part of a broader roadmap leading our company to carbon neutrality by 2030.
Our desire to improve and always offer a product of excellence drives us daily in the research and development process. This unique ability has led us to collaborate in several research projects worldwide with prestigious institutes such as the Politecnico di Milano, Beijing University and the "Kids and Toys" Observatory.It becomes a tool for developing children’s motor skills, encouraging the process of autonomy and independence, so as to make the experience of playing the best possible. It also provides them with a set of values that will help them build their future.